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© 2008-2024 POLI.RADIO | TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI | Iniziativa realizzata con il contributo del POLITECNICO DI MILANO

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Welcome to Urbinary, the podcast made by students of urbanism at Politecnico di Milano. Join us as we dive into the intricacies that shape our cities. In this season, we interview experts in the field to shed light on the challenges of urban space and strategies to cope. Covering topics such as affordable housing, public space, climate resilience, and equitable development, Urbinary tries to imagine our cities of the future. Whether you are an aspiring planner, a city dweller or just curious about the forces that shape space, Urbinary offers new ways to engage with the physical world.

Con Giulia, Clara, Emma, Maya, Dela, Aliaksandra, Hoi, Valery e Tommaso