LICENZA SIAE 202200000075 | LICENZA SCF 937/14 | C.F. 97703440152

© 2008-2025 POLI.RADIO | TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI | Iniziativa realizzata con il contributo del POLITECNICO DI MILANO

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SpaceWave is a radio program about what happens in Space and on Earth. Asteroids, planets, stars seem to be very far from us, but humans have been using their fantasy and imagination so much that each heavenly body feels ours now. Interstellar gave us the opportunity to experience the cosmic emptiness. Van Gogh made us reflect on a starry night, David Bowie made us empathize with the lost Major Tom’s message and still so much history has to be written. Written and listened. Welcome to SpaceWave

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