LICENZA SIAE 202200000075 | LICENZA SCF 937/14 | C.F. 97703440152

© 2008-2025 POLI.RADIO | TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI | Iniziativa realizzata con il contributo del POLITECNICO DI MILANO

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La Schiscetta

A student of Design for Food and a Food Engineer will talk about food exploring a new point of view: going beyond the usual chatter "pandoro or panettone?", the program offers a full immersion in this giant sector. Thanks to the collaboration of the Master in "Design For Food" of POLI.DESIGN, we will have some important guests, plus the collaboration of some students. A fresh and light program that will make you observe, buy and enjoy food in a new and more conscious way. Live on the first monday of every month!

Con Radnor, Valentina e Giulso